Posted in Parish Council Notices
Posted in Parish Council Notices

Parish Council Update

Planning Application ref:19/02915/FUL) Land East Of Gypsum Way – Residential development of 96 dwellings.

The Parish Council is very disappointed that its objection to the above application has been over ridden by the RBC Planning Committee. Gotham Parish Council robustly commented on the following objections to this application drawing attention to the following:

  • The low volume of affordable housing as a percentage of the housing development, i.e. less than 10% when the Local Plan part 2 stated 30%.
  • Severe concerns regarding the impact the development could have on flooding and the capability of the current sewage system to cope with the additional development.
  • The overdevelopment of the land, which was initially outlined for 70 houses in Rushcliffe’s Local Plan Part 2, but has now been approved for 96 new homes.

Gotham Parish Council would like to thank Councillors Brown and Walker for their support in Objecting to the plan. We will now look to work with the Davidsons Developers to achieve the very best outcome for our village and ensure that local voices are heard throughout all stages of the development process.

Posted in Parish Council Notices

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